图片10.jpgOur Responsibility

As a global quality service organization , we are committed to operating responsibly and continuously, managing operations with high standards of business integrity and professionalism, while our extensive practices and related policies on corporate social responsibility are fully demonstrated through our documentation.

图片11.jpgSocial and Environmental Responsibility

We have integrated our environmental philosophy and action plans into our business operations in each region to achieve environmental sustainability on a global scale. At the same time, we continue to seek new ways and means to reduce the risks and impacts of our business operations on the environment. Our environmental policies and measures are described in detail in our Corporate Social Responsibility Report.

图片13.jpgEqual and Regulated Business Conduct

We comply with high standards of professional conduct and are committed to treating our employees and our business dealings with stakeholders and third parties in a disciplined and fair manner. The Code of Compliance specifies our guiding principles and regulations for business conduct, while the Code of Ethics and Zero Tolerance Guidelines describe the ethical standards expected of employees and the company's "zero tolerance" stance on unethical behavior.


We believe that an open and inclusive work atmosphere leads to greater success for our employees, customers, stakeholders and business partners. We respect the differences of our employees and encourage them to grow and improve through continuous training in all areas. We are also striving to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and firmly enforce national labor laws and regulations. More information on our obligations to our employees can be found in our Corporate Social Responsibility report.

图片15.jpgOur Services

Our services cover virtually all industries, including textiles, toys, electronics, construction, Life-science, Vehicles, and can provide a range of services including testing, inspection and certification for products, goods and systems. While deeply cultivating the traditional business, we are also always concerned about the rise of new industries and have developed new service methods and means for this purpose in order to better meet the needs of our customers at different levels and in different target markets.

In today's world of energy shortage and low-carbon environmental protection, society, customers and ourselves are demanding new quality and safety solutions that are greener, more environmentally friendly and more in line with the laws of economic development, and driven by this demand, the technical R&D team relies on its global network and the joint efforts of experts from various industries around the world to provide innovative services for sustainable development.